
Responsible for the content

Haus Hugo Sölden
Johann Auer
Hangweg 4
A-6450 Sölden

Mobile: +43 664 3532 968
E-Mail: auerhaushugocom

Images provided by: Ötztal Tourismus, Haus Hugo, Lukas Ennemoser
All information regarding data protection can be found in our privacy policy.


Design, programming & implementation

ennemoser advertising gmbh
Oberlängenfeld 6 | Top 2/01a
6444 Längenfeld

t. +43 5253 20130
m. infoennemoserteam


Do you have any questions?
We will gladly answer them!

If you have any questions regarding your stay in Sölden, we will be happy to answer them personally!
Just give us a call or contact us by e-mail. Nothing stands in the way of your holiday in Sölden ...

Ötztal Inside Summer Card
Familienurlaub inkl. Ötztal Premium CardStuibenfall in UmhausenHochseilgarten in der AREA 47
Valid from June to October
Premium upgrade!
Experience more of the Ötztal